Interviewees, what was something a employer said to you during a interview that made you not want to work for them?

A company wanted to hire me as a software developer. I was still an undergrad studying Physics, and already had good experience developing apps for science based applications. This was in NM btw.

It was over lunch, here are the highlights: - They arrived 20 mins late - The CEO of the company doesn't even know what Physics is. - We get our food, they ask me to bless them (I'm an Atheist, so a little weird). They proceed to say grace, and when they finish - demand that I get used to it... or not, I'm thinking. - Their 3rd guy finally arrives, late as all fuck. Shows me the 'work' he's been doing for the last month: literally the most ugly, shittiest model of an old woman. And he's supposed to be their mechanical engineer? Wow. - They were shocked that I demanded that the work schedule fits any need that I have for school; i.e. taking time off to study for finals. - They also wanted to pay me something like $12/hr... for software. I told them even doubling that wouldn't be enough. That was the last i heard of them.

/r/AskReddit Thread