INTPs, How do you feel when a girl says she likes you?

I never feel weird rejecting someone. I just reject them. In my head not everyone has to like everyone romantically, and just because someone doesn't like you romantically it doesn't mean that you're repulsive. It probably just means you aren't compatible. I don't ever feel weird about that stuff after it happens either. Most of the guys I'm friends with now have all confessed to me, I rejected them, and we're still friends. It's sort of like a "it happened and now it's over."

The same here. I really don't have time or the inclination to hem and haw around like an INFJ probably would. I don't like you I don't like you, it's just the facts I'm going to be mean about it or make anyone feel ashamed or do any sort of manipulation, it is what is is. And then back to normal. I see women all the time pussyfooting around to say "no" and torturing themselves because they are trying to let the guy down easy and the guy is phoning them and phoning them and practically harassing them because he is obviously some non INTP guy who thinks a good chase is where it's at. Can I just say INTP men also know when to leave a person the hell alone ? You say no and they get it, they don't keep driving you up a wall. From the looks of it that must take a lot of IQ points because INTP men are practically the only ones that seem to get it.

And ENTJ or something would be almost completely enthralled like a kitty chasing string harassing her, and the poor woman keeps trying to be sensitive to his feelings. Wow some people really have a lot of patience.

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