LPL 2016 Summer Playoffs Final / EDG vs RNG / Live Discussion

I find that when people call other people dumb and don't understand how the game works, their criticism means nothing. If you 1/3/1 against a team without tps except for Ekko, what do the 3 do when RNG collapse on them? Ekko TPs buys enough time for Zed to run over while increasing the risk of Deft on Ashe being chunked out, they are now grouped and because Ashe, Braum and Rek'Sai can't outkite Gnar, Elise, Tahm Kench with his ult, Jhin (Who's general purpose in China, as Froskurinn said, was for utility terms and using ult charges for slows) and Taliyah, Ashe now has already used ultimate to buy time and the damage from ekko isn't enough to threaten anyone on RNG, Zed has only 1 target with his ult (that being Jhin since Taliyah had zhonyas and everyone else has too much health and stats) and all of a sudden EDG finds themselves with a massive loss of CDs just to get themselves grouped together. Now, this is China, where teams constantly fight to build and create advantages. 1/3/1 without Baron buff would only result in loss in China and even with Baron buff I doubt EDG themselves want to splitpush. Notice the trends in the upcoming games and see if they splitpush a lot, then call me dumb.

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