Invalidation of BPD sufferers and survivors?

Yes, most are bad. Objectively.

How we judge a person's character is based on their behavior.

Actions matter.

Lie, manipulate, terrorize, accuse, blame-shift, triangulate, etc., and you're a shit-bag, period. The "reason" for the behavior is irrelevant. Decent adults don't do this stuff, unless they're shit-bags.

Are all Cluster Bs (Borderlines and Narcissists) this way? Are they all bad? I dunno. Maybe some are self-aware. Perhaps a handful actually do the work to become better people. But read enough horror stories, personally witness enough real evil, and you finally just have to call a pig a pig when you see it, even if it wears lipstick and cries about past trauma.

I don't care about your past trauma if you lie, threaten, bully, and accuse. You're still a shit-bag.

Similarly, to draw a comparison, I don't care about your past trauma if you fuck little kids. The reason a pedophile does what they do is irrelevant to me. They're shit-bags if they actually go through with it.

Not everyone uses past painful experiences as an excuse or justification to abuse others. Some people in fact do the exact opposite. Some people resolve to NEVER to become like their abusers.

That is Character.

Borderlines, Narcissists, and Sociopaths can go to hell. They're reptiles hiding in human skin, and they walk amongst us, skulking about, faking human pleasantries in order to extract what they want from us. They are some of the worst people alive.

What they need isn't psychiatrists, at least not at first. What they need is for more brave people to stand up, expose their reptilian hide, and call them out on their bullshit.

/r/raisedbyborderlines Thread