Iowa Caucus Megathread February 1, 2016

Human papillomavirus (HPV) The Human papillomavirus is one the most, if not, the most common sexually transmitted disease. In fact, it so common that any sexually active person will obtain this virus at some point in their life. Although it is a common infection it is not a threating one if proper preventions are in place, such as, vaccines and/or safe sex. HPV is usually contracted through anal, oral, and/or vaginal sex. Other methods include other forms of bodily fluid exchange. HPV cannot be cured by certain treatments may with symptoms. Some symptoms include itching and warts. Some of these symptoms may not even appear one year after infection. Some of the symptoms may not even appears at all as it will just go away on its own. If symptoms do arise, you may see certain rashes and warts. Shape of the warts can vary in shape and sizes from large to small, raised, flaty or bumpy. These warts can be diagnosed either way by a healthcare provider. One of the biggest threats from HPV is that it can cause certain form of cancers. The most common cancer that arises from HPV is cervical cancer, but other can include anus, vagina, vula, and penile cancer. These cancers do not usually form quickly after infection, as they usually form years after infection, even decades after. Not all HPV virus strain cause cancer though, but we still do not know which ones can. In order to prevent yourself from HPV, the most safe and effective way to do so is by getting vaccinated. They can protect males and females against diseases and cancers caused by HPV. It is not one dose though, as it takes three doses in over a six month period which is extremely important. Other precautions include getting screened for cervical cancer, the most common cancer caused by HPV, for women between 21 and 65 years old. Also to wear latex condoms while having sex and to reduce the amount of different sexual partners to reduce risk. It is hard to tell if one does have HPV is there is no official test. About 76 million people are infected by this virus and 14 million will become infected each year. From those 76 million, 360 thousand get genital warts each year and 11 thousand woman get cervical cancer each year. Although there is no treatment for HPV there are treatments for its symptoms. Genital warts can be treated by a physician and may even go way if left untreated; although the former is highly recommended. Molluscum Contagiosum Molluscum Contagiosum is an infection that is caused by a poxvirus with the same name of the infection, Molluscum Contagiosum virus. One of the main symptom of the infection is small, benign, mild skin disease that look like bumpy, raised lesions that can appear anywhere on the host’s body. The color of these lesions are usually white and pink. The virus typically resolves itself in around 6 to 12 months but may take as long as four years. The virus can be spread easily if one person that is infected from it touches someone else or through contaminated fomites. Some of these fomites can include towels, sponges, pool equipment and toys. The infection can also spread through sexual contact. The virus though does not reside in the body but on the epidermis, or the outer part of the skin. This means that once the lesions are gone from your body, the virus will also be gone and cannot spread it to others. The virus does not also remain dormant in your body in point of its existence, as it will remain active throughout. Some preventative measure include following good hygiene habits such washing hands and keep the body generally clean. If you do have the lesions from the virus or any other virus, do not touch or scratch them or anyone else’s. Make sure they covered, and keep the skin clean and dry. Also prevent sharing personal items with others such as razors, towels, toothbrushes and soaps. Because Molluscum Contagiosum is mostly self-limited to healthy individuals, treatments may be unnecessary. Either way they are still treaments for the lesions. Some methods include physical removal such as cryotherapy, or freezing the lesion, curettage, or scraping off the lesion, and laser therapy. Other methods include oral therapy and topical therapy.

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