why isn't anyone finding law of attraction/manifestation scary

I interpret it to mean that you take the charge and duty of being a Creator Being seriously. It is no small task and to mis-create can be traumatically painful.

I agree with this. I literally feel like I am being torn in two, one side wants me to be allied with them, the other with them, I don't have anyone in the flesh I can talk to about this. This part of my struggle has presented itself while meditating in the form of a reptile/human being which said it wanted me to join them because I was strong, and the blue beings which are pure love and want me to help heal this place.

Of course this could all be in my mind with the reptilian thing being a representation of my lower self, and the blues being higher thought/higher self, or maybe not.

I know when I do the right thing though because my heart begins to hum, it feels like a pressure is lifted off of it. I swear someone is trying to get me to be their puppet by subtle manipulation, it almost feels like some of the people I am supposed to be the closest to are trying to use the type of person I am in order to get me to serve their will.

I read a book called "What is Reality" by Ervin Lazslo, blew my mind because it was EVERYTHING I had been experiencing for a while.

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