Isn't Nidalee pretty much back where she was before the rework?

Lol that isn't counter play at all? You have no idea what that word means apparently. Counter play isn't what you buy, it's how you overcome the strengths of another champion. Why don't people say Darius is OP? You can't trade with him in lane, and he can build tanky and still destroy you with his true damage execute. So why isn't he OP? Cause his counter play is low mobility and being easily kited. He's also mana gated and must be in melee range in order to stick to you (he's given a grab for that but it's a pretty short range) That's how people beat him, you don't "buy pinks" to counter play that, that isn't what that term means, that's just buying items that are good against that champion. What are nidalees weaknesses? Well she sucks ass in team fights, she is susceptible to all ins, she is very weak to slows, and must dive into fights to maximize her damage or actually have a chance of killing anything. So what's the counter play? You CC the shit out of her if she goes to assassinate someone, you keep superior vision of her (if you can see where she is throwing the spear from, there is absolutely no reason to get hit by it unless you are CC'd, in which case you should get hit) you can hard engage her, or force teamfights on other players since she can't do much except run away when a teamfight arises. Banshees is still very strong against her as well. There ya go that's plenty of things that are "counter play" for her. Obviously she is good at what she does, if she wasn't why would you play her over xerath or something? She sieges and can make picks, but doesn't contribute to team fights, or wave clear, and she can't properly assassinate anything in a 5v5 fight. Why is it that people would rather say "omfg this is OP pls nerf" instead of "hey i'm getting beat by nidalee a lot lately, how do I handle her?" Because anyone with a brain will list all of the things I just listed above, and she is far from "OP". She is good at what she does, yes, but she's also really bad at stopping what's good against her, and I think that makes a pretty healthy champion.

/r/leagueoflegends Thread