Isn't Nidalee pretty much back where she was before the rework?

Except for the fact that Nid doesn't really need to even land a spear in order to do damage. Sure the extra damage and mobility is nice, but she can easily hop up to a squishy person mid game and take out a nice chunk of their HP with a WEQ combo. Not to mention those abilities have extremely short cooldowns, so she can easily just kill people in a combo of 2 of her abilities. Especially if you're trying to run from her in the jungle.

Don't know why you think her spears are the problem here when they're not, sure they're easily dodgeable but even the best of best players can't dodge a fast moving skillshot that sometimes turns invisible. It's not like Nids spear is HARD to land like Jinxs W or even Jayce's Q (Which has MUCH more risk/reward compared to nid Q).

Also, even if Nid turns OOM it means nothing. Sure she can't heal or use spears, but guess what... A good Nidalee player will realize that her cat form abilities COST NO MANA. And Nidalee having no waveclear? I'm actually honestly starting to think you don't even know what Nidalee has in her kit... Her W and E in cat form are one of the best waveclearing abilities in the game. With just a few points of those she can easily take out whole minion waves in the mid game (even if she's maxing Q).

TLDR: I don't think you know how Nidalee works. She has cat form at level 1 now, she has some of the best mobility in the game because pounce is a godlike mobility ability. Her spears aren't even the strongest part of her kit, but they're still damn annoying (and buggy). Her cat form spells should cost mana, since she gets it at level 1 now. There's little mechanics or skill needed to play a decently farmed Nidalee late game. If she has a decent amount of AP (Like even just a ROA and AP jungle item) she can kill a squishy person with a rotation of her spells, even without landing a spear. And it's not like she has long cooldowns like Talon or something, or mana problems, or sustain problems, or mobility problems. She has a bit of everything, and the problem is, is that she's GREAT at all of these things instead of being just mediocre like Elise or Jayce.

/r/leagueoflegends Thread