I've Come Back

I want to do something to bring this topic to the forefront. I want more people to know about and discuss this. I'm sick of watching TV shows that glorify and normalize cluster B behavior (Love, Unreal, Fleabag, Difficult People, Younger, almost all romantic comedies). This is a disorder, it's not normal, it's not good for society, and we need to know how to deal with it. Luckily, due to my career, I'm in a position where maybe one day I will get to actually do something about this.

I've had similar thoughts about this. I work in media and a trend that's very annoying to me is the one where every company/publication seems to want to highlight mental health but typically only in a way that's framed in a positive way. Articles about how to understand your partner who's dealing with X disorder or 'what its really like to have X mental illness." It comes off as "oh, these people are so misunderstood. If you only knew how much they suffer you would understand" which is what we hear a lot about people with BPD.

I know it's still not the norm to be able to openly talk about mental health in regards to depression, anxiety, ADHD, etc and the fact many people struggle with these more common mental health issues, so I get why there was a push to write more about that, but when I see the BPD articles it really gets under my skin.

Everyone says they're writing more about mental health to "break the stigma" and sure, that's great, but pretending like there aren't real negative side effects to being around certain mental health disorders, especially the Cluster Bs, isn't helping anyone.

/r/BPDlovedones Thread