I've never played this, and I clicked a link from this sub in All/New. I thought it was from /r/Spaceporn until I scrolled down and saw the front of a ship. It looks THAT good. I've never played a space sim and I find myself...fascinated.

Okay here's the laydown... Let's get things straight right now. 1. It's a beautiful game aesthetically. 2. Flying controls and physics are awsome. 3. Cool ship gearing and intense pvp. (Death has a price, I like that kinda thing) -----BUT----- 1. Lack of activities - Either pvp, go trade (station to station docking and undocking with nothing but straight-ahead flying in-between), go sit in front of rocks for minutes on end grinding mining, smuggle (same thing as trading but you gotta get in the station without a "space cop" scanning you, which seriously isn't a challenge), then there's the one exciting mission: assassinations (too bad it takes forever to find the target sometimes and is frustrating with having to go back into super-cruise to find another signal and hope that's the one)

  1. Unfortunately trading really is the best way to make money by a significant enough margin that if you're like me, you'll do for hours on end just to grind (IT'S A GRIND) out the next ship for something new.

Either get the game now and enjoy it while you can, or wait until Horizons comes out and buy that for $60 (it will include the first game too)

----THE WORST OF IT ALL---- Frontier wants to milk YOU (Yes you, I don't care who you are) for every dime they can. I thought Horizons was cool. https://forums.frontier.co.uk/showthread.php?t=172167&p=2640554&viewfull=1#post2640554 https://forums.frontier.co.uk/showthread.php?t=172167&p=2640720&viewfull=1#post2640720 https://forums.frontier.co.uk/showthread.php?t=172167&p=2640943&viewfull=1#post2640943 Then I saw the only thing it will include is floating down to atmosphere-less planets with hardly any gravity to drive around a baren planet with a couple wrecked ships over their 25,000 mile 1:1 scaled circumference to get some salvage by clicking a button or two, then driving back to your ship to float back into space.. OMG ALL THOSE AMAZING FEATURES FOR $60 WHOLE DOLLARS!!!(OR $45 IF YOU ALREADY OWN THE GAME HOW NICE) Can't wait until I get to pay $45 more for landings on planets with atmospheres! Maybe JUST MAYBE we'll get a "season" where I can then pay $45 to walk around in my ship! OH GOODIE ONLY 2 YEARS AND $135 AWAY Maybe they'll let me pay another $45

/r/EliteDangerous Thread