I've struck the fatlogic motherload.

Don't you ever think about the total explanatory worthlessness of that statement? "The business is successful because it's acquiring more money than it's spending. Dollars in, dollars out is all you have to think about." Well, yeah, no shit. The question is how you make the DIDO equation do what you want it to do. Maybe that's just my engineering background coming out. Someone who recommends CICO to people trying to lose/gain/maintain weight with goals in mind is as worthless as a business consultant who tells their clients to just take in more money than you spend. The crux of my whole thing is how much better I feel on keto. It's distinctive and damn, a lot of people have the same or similar effects. It's hard to do anything but attribute the negatives to carbs after cutting them out and feeling better afterwards (and yes, I would eat 'healthy carbs' like oats, potatoes, beans, etc).

In a sub dedicated to busting a bunch of bullshit spouted by people who claim that they are "starving" even though they are clearly morbidly obese and eating several thousand kcal/day - yes, I think it is an incredibly helpful thing to say.

Misunderstanding of CICO is one of the most repeated falsehoods on posts that we all collectively laugh at on this sub.

Following your analogy, it would be wise to say "well, dollars in dollars out is a key marker of a successful business" to someone who says "I have a great business but I'm going $250k / year deeper into debt to keep it running".

/r/fatlogic Thread Parent Link - i.redd.it