Japanese hostage 'beheaded' by ISIL

You interpreted my statements, backed by the facts, reinforced by links that it is ridiculous to believe the ills of the middle east began in the 20th century. Frankly, it it beyond ridiculously ignorant and in fact makes you quite the dumbass. Thousands of years of history, tale after tale of battles and conquered territories are on my side.

Only a lemming believing with superficial knowledge or ability to think would say this. Attributing it to "oil" says you get your information from the liberal media. Now, since you do not think too good:

WoW? So, I see you either didn't bother to go back or you are looking to take a comment about a comment personally. I called your post ridiculous and ignorant. What are you going on about? Of course I went back, I quoted you on your previous comment and I quoted you when you said that you would meet me with violence(you said " you wouldnt say that too me if you were here"). "Violence, he threatened me w/violence. No, I didn't. I said you wouldn't say that to my face. That, has more to do with you being a pussy than me doing anything. Being in mommies basement afforded you the balls to call me a dumbass. You were the rude one. I disagreed with your post and provided links.

I am not taking your comment personally, you are trying to act as if I am unreasonable again. I was simply pointing out how you were being rude to me and how you were contradicting yourself a lot of the time. You followed it up by displaying more ignorance about the arabian flag and the history of the middle east. Of course nobody knows all of history. I said no such thing. the person who commented on the arabian flag was /u/thealphamale1 . and also you keep saying that I am ignorant about conflict in the middle east, but that is just your opinion. and thank you for agreeing with me about how nobody knows all of history, It seems that you have learned your lesson about calling people ignorant about history(you should never call someone ignorant of history, because everyone is ignorant of history to some degree)

Dumbass...it is the degree to which you are ignorant to which I am referring. The level of ignorance you display is off the chart...perhaps you are just stupid. I mean in the face of thousands of years of history you reference a sixty year old picture and conclude the middle east troubles started in the 20 century(1900). That is stupid not ignorance. Thanks. Thanks for teaching me a lesson. WTF?

You're arguments get more ridiculous. Says the person who called me a bully when you obviously attacked me first. No, I attacked your post and you being mr. uber sensitive lashed out by being a flat out dick. Again, your post is bunk based on history not my opinion. Get it or are you stupid?

Put down the shovel. What the fuck are you even saying here? are you implying that im digging my own grave? cuz if anything YOU are digging your own grave. you threaten me with violence, you say that Im wrong about everything, and you put your foot in your mouth(saying that im ignorant of history when everyone already is)

Yup, you're a dumbass. I am saying that when you are in a hole stop digging. Of course, you will keep digging cause you're too stupid to know you're in a hole. But to prove it...post links of the peaceful and tranquil existence from antiquity till the 19th century in the middle east.

But your ignorance is dangerous. Dangerous? no piece of information is dangerous so long as the person who is putting the information on the internet is able to take RESPECTFUL criticism(respectful criticism as in the critic does NOT insult the OP). If you take a look at the original comment thread, then you would see that many people have Respectfully challenged many of my points, and I don't show any distaste toward them.

Appeasing the savages who will cut my daughters and your head off is dangerous. Particularly when someone spouting off is as ignorant of history as you.

Particularly when you promote propaganda. I did not promote propaganda. Propaganda is when someone uses misleading information to make people emotional. I did not use misleading info, all of the info that I had posted can be easily verified with a Google search.

You gave me a taste of your own medicine? No. You were the first one to be a dick. Again, the difference between calling the post ridiculously ignorant... and a person a "dumbass".

That is completely false, you called my entire comment "bunk" and you referred to me and everyone else who upvoted my comment as "lemmings". when I replied to you, you simply called me ignorant without stating why you thought that. AFTER I insulted you(which was after you insulted me), you FINALLY gave me a reason as to why you thought that I was ignorant, but it was too late, you should have explained yourself before you insulted me.

You can stop acting like the second coming of Mohmed Ghandi. I dont think that I am the second coming of anybody. mahatma Gandhi(btw you spelled his name wrong) fought for the freedom of his people, I was not really fighting for anything, I was just trying to share my opinion on the internet.

calling someone a flat out dumbass is a whole lot different than commenting on an ignorant post myopically focused on the evils of oil. Actually, you called me a lemming and you said that all of my info was "bunk", and afterward, you called my comments "ridiculously ignorant". You pretty much called me a dumbass. also, My original comment WAS NOT only focused on the evils of oil. I talked about the USSR invasion, American occupation, British occupation, America arming jihadist fighters ect...

You are not very good at history or perception if you think I'm "fuming".

Your an idiot. there is no such thing as being "good at history". thats like saying someone is "good at science" or "good at politics". When you Imply that someone could ever be "good at history", you are implying that someone can "physically do history". Nobody "is good at doing history". When you see someone who knows a lot about history, you say that they are knowledgeable of history, not "good" at it.

It is funny how you semantics matter to you only when you want. (they didn't when you said I called you an idiot only to recant on that but never really admit you're wrong). Obviously, I am stating that you are extremely ignorant regarding history which can be dangerous-- particularly one post, ignorantly, on a such a dangerous topic. You just never know when someone with superficial knowledge will gain empathy for those savages cause they're so stupid they think the problems in the middle east started in the 20th century and oil. After stating that...how do you keep coming back. Stupid, I forgot. BTW, you spelled "you're" wrong.

and it actually DOES seem like your fuming, because you threatened violence on me earlier-_- Already addressed that my little pansie

I am calling you out on chronology and history. Good day. Calling me out on Chronology? I already said that the source which I got my info from does put things in chronological order already. Jeesh, I a referring to your rude use of dumbass. However, now that I know you bruise easy like a grape I will try to be more delicate when reading any drivel you post in the future. Good gravy, man.

/r/worldnews Thread Link - aljazeera.com