Jeremy Corbyn wins backing of 84% of local Labour parties

I wouldn't vote for Corbyn if he was the last politician left on earth, and I'm a floater. (Bring on the turd jokes...) Something something IRA, and I'm ex forces (although that is just the peak of the Corbyn titanic iceberg mess for me).

Labour's utterly fucked if they keep him as leader. Jones isn't as toxic by half, yet he seems to make no headway and appears to hold little interest for the wider electorate. I wouldn't vote for Labour with him as leader either. He gives the impression of being a political lightweight.

Actually, Labour's fucked regardless of which one of them ends up leading the party. It seems only the affiliated don't care to take their blinkers off and face the truth. Probably for the best actually, as (speaking for myself) I'll be far happier with a Conservative government dealing with Brexit and the ensuing economic issues than I ever would be with a Labour government at the helm.

Maybe my years show, but I don't trust Labour in a crisis whatsoever. I may vote for them during the good times, but I generally have little faith in them when the chips are down.

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