Jews leave France in record numbers

Canada does, they have less of it because they have less money and people.

no fucking shit...but even for your economy's size you significantly lag behind the US in medical innovation. In fact, the rest of the world does although China is trying to catch up. Its because you don't have to invest in the infrastructure thanks to your neighbors to the south. Its called being a free rider. Look it up. The US system incentivizes all of these innovations and you don't know what will happen when you screw with it. The various EU healthcare systems significantly depends on us too although they have a larger population and economy. Read the fucking article...written by fucking liberals who would love nothing else but a single payer. hell, Id love a single payer but its...wait for it....COMPLICATED.

I said you think.

WHAAAT?!?!? Are you mentally challenged? yes, you said I think the US invented everything. You argue like an idiot.

Simple for a simpleton is good.

lol. You said it.

Also not once did I say or even imply that USA is dependent on Canada.

facepalm. No kidding. You missed the point.

Says the vulgar name calling guy on the Internet #28501 who said that by going somewhere, it makes one an expert on it.

no, me sitting in on hearings makes me an "expert," at least in terms of procedure. If you just have C-SPAN you'd know how it works.

I guess that still makes you an idiot, but now I'm an expert on all things American, having been in America.

holy fucking shit. You are the dumbest person on the internet. No, it doesn't make me an expert but it makes me know why this was edited as opposed to some butthurt teenage Canadian talking out of his ass. hoiy the shitty debater. OK. And dont whine about vulgarity after you engage in it. whiner.

or other Countries owe you something.

What?!?!?!?! where did I say other countries owe me anything. Oh wait, now you'll repsond, like an idiot, that you said I "think" that. lol

I guess not having to worry about health insurance all my life would brainwash me in the same way that being told all my life that socialism is bad and private health care is good would make me believe that too right?

dude, you are one gigantic fucking cliche. Talk about brainwashed. You talk to and about Americans as if you get all your info on Reddit. You're an embarrassment.

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