PSA: PLEASE stop being jerks to your fellow players

While I agree with the overall point, I think this is a hard game to not be a jerk. Everything is set up in a way where perspectives, motivations and other things don't align.

Some people are going afk for free loot, others just want to harvest for resources and maybe gain something from others working on the goal, a few might selfishly want the siphons or towers and a small percent just want the loot and will rush the objective.

There is no way to make everyone happy, unless everyone plays alone with set teams, which is disappointing. However, a lot of these things can be solved by simple changes, which is what we should be asking for, over seeing the worst in someone trying to kill the away person (maybe they ran into it so often they were just fed up?) or making excuses for the noble AFKer (surely they're super parent and absolutely have to be looking after their kid(s). Bless em!)

Don't get me wrong, I don't think everyone has malicious intent, but I don't think everyone is benevolent either.

/r/FORTnITE Thread