Joseph Campbell On Schopenhauer And Indra's Net

The hard problem of consciousness is an illusion, because consciousness is re-created everytime someone has a kid.

You don't seem to understand what the problem is getting at. Let me rephrase a part of it for you, so hopefully you understand: how does inert matter become conscious? Or in the context of biology, how do supposedly, inert chemical reactions create conscious experience?

Science has shown human beings thought processes are bad across the board and that all human beings don't understand their own thought processes to a large extent.

So our thoughts are good enough to know they are bad? Not a very compelling argument...

Moreover, scientific investigation is based on rationality, yet you scientific evidence to say humans are irrational. These 'scientists' who claim we can't trust our sense of reason, argue this fact by reason. How absurd!

I don't buy into status based arguments, smart people have been wrong constantly about tonnes of things over history. Our time is no different.

Status based arguments? The hard problem is one of the most important questions in science and philosophy, it has nothing to do with status... Ignoring important questions because you think they are 'status' based is irrational, so you are right that the human mind can act irrationally, but I do not doubt that you act rationally in most other parts of your life.

How is it possible to will your brain to "reason" the way tammet does?

You're confusing will and reason - they are completely different things. Obviously reason and intelligence varies person to person; one cannot will themselves beyond their intellectual capacity.

I'm not doubting that much of reasoning, and functioning in the body is unconscious. This is actually to our advantage. I do, however, doubt the erroneous conclusion derived from this fact that human reasoning is 'bad'.

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