Judge voids Paul Manafort plea deal, says he 'intentionally' lied to the FBI, special counsel and grand jury

What we have now is more or less a moderate social democracy, in American flavor. Do you believe social programs that work for tiny, homogenous Germanic countries is a cure-all for the West?

What exactly prevents them from working in a larger democratic country? We could literally implement a Medicare for all system which covers everyone which would cost as much or less per person than we currently pay to subsidize insurance companies in a horrendous system where people regularly go bankrupt or die because they can't afford medical care.

There are practically no downsides, except for insurance companies. And the sole reason conservatives oppose it is because it would hurt the insurance companies which give PAC money to Republican campaign funds. This is true for a number of areas where social programs are successful in almost every place in Western civilization except here. The only valid reason conservatives oppose it is because it hurts some corporate entity that donates to Republican politicians. It's naked corruption and protection of corporate interests at the expense of the working class.

It's fucking absurd and laughably hypocritical that conservatives support an insanely overinflated, obscenely wasteful .6 trillion dollar military budget that apparently needs to be increased every year to grease the wheels for military industrial complex defense contractors so they can produce more shit the military doesn't need and didn't ask for. Mainly because, again, those people donate to GOP politicians. Somehow THAT budgetary abomination is acceptable, but spending a small fraction of that cost on helping poor people instead is absolutely out of the question because of scary soshulism.

So what do you really expect from us? You don't give a fuck about our values, we don't give a fuck about the country. Together, maybe we could work things out, but if you tell us to join or die, we're gonna say the same to you.

I think that most things American conservatives now support aren't remotely conservative, and explanations for the destructive shit the GOP peddles can't be justified outside of "they want to help rich people so they personally benefit, everyone else can get fucked." A lot of ideas are rejected out of pure knee-jerk tribalism because compromise is considered defeat. I think actual conservatives need to take back their party from the corporations, oligarchs, racists and morons who hijacked it, and turn it into a party which is compatible with modern standards of Western civilization.

You don't have to abandon all your ideals to ponder, "hmm, maybe a single payer healthcare system which costs less than our current one with a vastly better outcome is good for the country and doesn't go against fiscal conservatism? maybe tax increases and tax cuts both have a place in a healthy economy?" The conservative parties in the rest of the developed world have learned to adapt, you don't see a single one of them campaigning on destroying their national healthcare systems. American conservatism is utterly fucked because of the current status quo of Fox News, the Republican Party, and the corporate interests which control them. You need to fix that shit if we're ever going to have a chance of reaching common ground and moving forward. One party can't have equal say if it's just a transparent scam to enrich the wealthy because they bought all their politicians.

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