Julia Serano - How to Write a “Political Correctness Run Amok” Article

This wasn't really aimed at conservative media. Right now a couple of otherwise lefty magazines have a whole cottage industry of these concern-troll articles about "p.c." millennials (New York magazine, Atlantic Monthly, etc.) It's clearly driven by these stodgy northeastern liberal print magazines' desire to be "provocative" on the web, precisely by playing against type.

Where National Review is the equivalent of your racist uncle, Salon, Atlantic and New York getting aboard the anti-p.c. train is the equivalent of your otherwise liberal aunt slinging back one too many cups of box wine and deciding it'd be a laugh riot to tell some black jokes.

The funniest thing about all of this is while Buzzfeed and Upworthy are (rightfully) roasted for posting clickbait that over-promises and under-delivers to a multicultural millennial crowd, Atlantic Monthly and New York (and especially Jonathan Chait, who's worked for both) have figured out that they can do the same thing, but target affluent white Boomers and Gen X'ers, and it'll attract a higher-end advertiser.

And FWIW, I'd like to point out who those advertisers include. While the Atlantic Monthly poses as this brainy, intellectual publication that's above it all, they have been and continue to be pioneers of the worst form of bait-and-switch advertising, "native content" --and they started out by lending their name to the Church of Scientology.

So don't be surprised if they front page a story soon about how dangerous dark skinned millennials are coddled because they haven't reached Operating Thetan II.

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