this just didn't make me lose faith in this woman's marriage, but in humanity as a whole

Okay, thank you very much for the link! Normally I’d leave it at that, but since I got downvoted for politely asking a very reasonable question I’ll say:

I actually have a PhD in molecular biology, and that’s actually not ‘exactly how it works’, even your own link agrees that is a MASSIVE oversimplification, where the only real thread linking the two is a lack of ovulation. Downvoting people over trying to clarify people’s positions and their reasons for them only reduces open and respectful conversation, which helps nobody?

“Therefore the most accurate comparison for how birth control works, is that hormonal birth control tricks the body into thinking ovulation has already happened. So it’s easy to say that hormonal birth control tricks the body into thinking it’s pregnant—and it’s sort of, kind of, true. It’s far less sexy to say that hormonal contraception mimics menopause, which is also sort of, kind of, true. But in reality, the pill tricks your body into….well, not ovulating. “

/r/NotHowGirlsWork Thread Parent Link -