Just discovered she conned me out of at least $50,000

Can't blame you dude, fucking attorneys, those God damn assholes are soul suckers. Ex-wife and I did an uncontested divorce, agreed on all the numbers. All of her friends convinced her she needed to hire an attorney to look things over and went to make sure she wasn't getting fucked. well, since our financial lives were still connected at the hip, I was paying for that shit too (her attorney). That God damn devil motherfucker sucked her and I for $5,000 extra, the net result? Exactly, to the penny, the same as it started before she hired the fuck her to protect her interests. She knew every penny I had, I knew every penny she had. But she was convinced she had to have that legal eagle make sure shit was copacetic, instead of just looking things over and said yep, looks good, that fucker came up with every reason in the book to bill at $250 an hour for shit that didn't need to be done.

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