I just had to tell someone who might understand. I just went from public to private and am so fucking happy.

I work in gov audit. The work is just flat out boring. For my audits I basically print up like a 5 page checklist of procedures then go down the list performing those procedures on the taxpayer's data. Rinse and repeat. You do get to talk to taxpayers but most of the time the tone of the conversations are always a combination of "I am fucking pissed off at you" and "you are making my life hell". If they are nice to you it is just the kiss ass fake type of being nice and it is so easy to tell. You also always have to be on guard because certain taxpayers will always nit pick at your work and complain about how it is "wrong" or something like that. For most other audits you can just complete it super quick if the taxpayer give you all the data you need.

Overtime, it just wears down on you.

I also have friends who work in B4 and have done audits at B4 office as well so I am familiar with it. For most it seems like the constant pressure, low work-life balance and similar stuff just makes the job suck. Most people there seem like they are just faking it because the expectation is to always be professional and to never complain about anything etc. I remember doing one audit where I had some small chat with the B4 contact person and she was telling me some bullshit about great working for b4 was and all that. About 4 weeks later, I called her desk to ask her some questions and some new hire person answered and said she quit to work for a private company lol.

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