Is it just me or does dating advice for women enable narcissistic male behavior.

Did you even read my post. It's about how the advice affects us, the victims, not them. How much of it leads us to believe their behavior is normal, that realtionships are about games and power struggles, that their silent treatments are normal, their rage lash outs are normal, that they aren't listening because we aren't communicating properly, that he's pulling away because I'm too bitchy, needy, not easy going enough. It further deepened the belief he implanted in my head our problems were my fault and I was too sensitive or too bitchy for trying to get my very realistic needs met, instead of saying girl! Make sure you have healthy boundaries. If he's not putting in the same effort dump his ass. He should want to communicate with you. That's not love. Then I did some research and found out most dating advice (that's written by men) is written by men with avoidant attachment styles. So of course it's bullshit, of course they want us to believe that behavior is normal, like they are all training us how to serve them.

Anyway if you want to make senseless arguments for fun go call your narc.

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