Just moved to a new apt - saw a network called xfinitywifi. Connected and then proceeded to use my mother's log in name/password. She lives 30 miles away. I'm getting 1.7MB/s DL... does this mean I get free internet?

Strange, I just found this article from a pretty reliable source regarding these hotspots, corporate.comcast.com;

And since visitors sign in with their own Xfinity credentials, their usage and activities are tied back to their own accounts, not the homeowner’s.

And correct me if I'm wrong, but that is the exact opposite of your very confident statement above. Even more concerning, I remember you from a previous thread today where you admit to work for Comcast and therefore present yourself as a reliable source of information. One of my hands-down biggest qualms with Comcast is that you cannot contact them (their representatives) and expect even a correct answer, let alone one that will be upheld. You are part of the problem, confident in unsourced snap answers that are completely wrong and yet in no way will affect you. And guess who pays the price in this situation had OP followed your advice? I'll give you a hint, it isn't you.

I think being confidently wrong is bad enough, but I noticed a few other things today. Below in this thread you though it was necessary to chastise OP for using his mother's credentials. You didn't provide a source that this is against any terms, but regardless you decided that you would rather be disciplinarian rather than "helpful". I put "helpful" in quotations because, in case you've forgotten, you actually would have done more harm than good in this case when even trying to be "helpful" rather than petty.

Another thing I noticed in the thread I mentioned previously, it seems that you had a problem with a different OP asking who in this subreddit worked for Comcast. I thought about sharing my thoughts on the interaction in an attempt to make my case for you being an asshole, but really you've done the job for me. This conversation speaks for itself. You are that manager (god I hope you're a manager, because if not then it's even worse, you're a low-level employee with an authoritarian complex). I think you're a manager that revels in the power of minuscule authority and abuses that authority for a small pleasure at the expense of the poor working youth "beneath" you. I take comfort in knowing that we forever have proof of you being wrong as fuck, all while being a dick about it. Tagging you as "Comcast employee, as wrong as Comcast is shitty". It's long, but worth it.

/r/Comcast Thread