I just needed to say it to someone.

Whole heartily agree. Children do NOT get a say in what the adults can and can not do. When my step daughter was 5 she tried doing that. Nope. I put my foot down. Sat down with my boyfriend at the time and told him that just because she is his daughter does not mean she gets any type of say on what I can and can not do in my own house.

Got my husband on board with parenting decisions. The hard part was that he was parenting from guilt and sometimes it still hits him hard. Example: SD6 procrastinated before doing her homework the other day. When she was able to finally play it was about 30 before it was time to get ready for bed. She daddy and I were playing restaurant and having a wonderful time. Time for shower hits and I mention it to them. Immediately starts throwing a crying fit cause she wants to keep playing. Husband asks if we can still play some more in front of daughter. She starts crying harder cause she wants him to side with her. I told him that no she has to start getting ready for bed as it was still a school night and she knows the rules. The entire time she's scream/crying. I pull husband aside and told him that I did not appreciate being made into the bad guy and that it wasn't my fault that SD procrastinated before starting her home work. The natural consequences are that she ran out of time to play. The only reason why she was crying then was because she wanted to get her own way and knew tears worked best on my husband.

/r/stepparents Thread Parent