Just unsubbed from /r/fatpeoplehate and /r/fatlogic

I feel like a lot of people turn to food/other addictions as comfort after some kind of emotional trauma, so the only way they know how to cope with further trauma is to continue with the addiction. I don't see how this is reversible without some kind of therapy which costs money. Keep in mind people start these addictions during their youth too. Are you really gonna hate some 14 year old kid for dealing with his pain in a self-destructive way?

Really? So we went from 13% obese in the 1960s to 36% simply because of addiction and a mass influx of mental disorder? Hm. That seems like sketchy logic. Also, obesity skyrocketed in the 1980s. It was a culture shift. Entitlement, protectionism, and everyone wins pushed hard. This is my theory, anyway.

And. No. Children are exempt. Their parents are to blame, fat or not. But making something obese in your care should be punished. If starving a child to the point it's unhealthy is a crime, why isn't giving your child type 2 diabetes at 12 a crime? If starving your dog is animal abuse, why isn't over feeding your dog animal abuse? If anorexic models are illegal, why are morbidly obese models glorified? Unhealthy is unhealthy, I don't care what end of the spectrum it's on.

This brings me to the big question of why you hate these people. It seems crazy to me that you can actually have hate for people whom you've never met, and who are not causing anyone else pain. They're still people. I know there are posts there of overweight people being annoying, but there are annoying people in every group, that subreddit just put the most annoying fat people at the top and acted like everyone else is like them. What does this hate actually do for you? Does it make you happier?

You're generalizing here. Where did I say I hate them? I hate what they do. I hate obesity. I hate the problems and sickness it causes. I hate stupidity that supports it.

My final point is that it looks like you might be addicted to reddit/fph. If breaking addiction is so easy, then I'd like to see you go even just 1 day without posting.

Oh thanks doc. I'm fucking sitting in the desert bored out of my mind, waiting for a plane. It gets here soon. I've been using reddit to supplement my workouts and reading to pass the time. So, I don't think that'll be a problem.

/r/JustUnsubbed Thread Parent