Justice was served and he got a ticket

Hi Butt_Embalmer,

So... I understand your annoyance about people who park this way (I feel it as well, many a time!). It kinda of drives me a bit crazy sometimes, leaving me shaking my head.

But is this person really an "@sshole baby" as you put it?

What I mean.... is... that ALL of my own friends/family, who are psychologically stable, of "sound-mind", and "normal" do NOT park in this fashion!

Even some of my colleagues at my office, who I would truly say are serious "@sshold babies" as you put it, do NOT park this way.

I could be very mistaken... but this leads me to I suspect that anyone who parks in such a fashion as this, is not a sign that someone is an @sshole... but rather a sign that they might have some kind of mental issue, that is beyond their control.

I was reading recently, about a study, that shows analyzing how someone's handwriting, and written-signature, changes over the course of a few decades, can actually provide very good ADVANCED and PREDICTIVE indications of a developing mental illness, such as dementia.

So... if physical expressions, such as handwriting, might point towards a profound change in someone's psyche, and brain-functioning, I'm starting to wonder if parking style might also point towards the same mental degradation/decline?

Also parking like this, might be a sign of a mental deficiency that has no name at present... and has never been identified.

For example, reading/writing is VERY EASY to some people... like me! (That's one of my talents, although, even then, I'm not that great at my talent!)

But to others reading/writing is EXTREMELY PAINFUL, and involves a wide variety of conditions, such as dyslexia, etc...

Similarly, dancing is VERY EASY to some people... but NOT people like me. I couldn't dance my way out of a paper bag.

So I have a dancing dis-ability! (Just as some other people might have a reading-disability.)

And so... is it possible that some people MIGHT have a 3 dimensional navigation disability?!

If so, then that means they can NOT easily perform what seems to be a simple task to the rest of us, such as parking (just as dancing, or reading might not be a simple task to some of us, while it seems easy to others.)

In short... perhaps there are some people amongst us, who have a mental disability involving maneuvering in 3 dimensional space.... just as I have a disability involving maneuvering my own body in 3 dimensions, to the beat of the music.

Or maybe they simply have declining disability, and parking strangely like this is one of symptoms, just as handwriting is also a symptom.

/r/funny Thread Parent Link - i.imgur.com