Kallari tweak

Executioners Key (6 strike)

Adamant Edge (7 strike)

Amulet of the Veteran (7 strike)

Assassin's Ward (12 penetration)

Bloodsoaked Armor (5 attack speed)

Seek and Destroy (12 strike)

Sirensong (2 life steal)

Buy all your active cards first, starting with the ward, but don't upgrade any until after you fully upgrade your 2 passives. Upgrade your ward only when you see people buying armor. Since you don't have many upgrade bonuses, this build also let's you be way more flexible and reactive with your upgrades.

Bloodsoaked Armor combos well with seek and destroy to give you a nice attack speed boost, and then sirensong combined with your crippling dagger slows enemies to a crawl for easy mop up in team fights. Just before engaging, use your active combo, stealth, AA, crippling dagger, Sirensong, a few AAs and then back flip out. Solid contribution to a team fight if you can get their carry with the full combo. They should be ridiculously easy to mop up after that.

I would replace Bloodsoaked Armor with an 8 point thunder cleaver if I had the card. This means you have to hit with crippling dagger in order to proc seek and destroy, but you'd get a better wave clear to make you a better split pusher.

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