Katie Hopkins Permanently Banned From Twitter, Social Media Firm Confirms

FrEe SpeEcH dIdNt eXiSt bEfOrE SoCiAl MeDiA.

This is what you sound like.

You're complaining that somebody who walked into a building, started bellowing out some pretty ridiculous hate speech and racist rhetoric, got asked to keep it quiet on several occasions, then was finally removed from the premises all together, is having their fee speech removed.

In spite of the fact that said person is still completely free to walk into another building and start repeating the same Racist nonsense, that nobody has imprisoned them or removed a single, solitary one of their rights or freedoms, they've just been banned from one building for being a complete and utter dick.

You're basically chatting absolute shit mate.

/r/ukpolitics Thread Parent Link - huffingtonpost.co.uk