Katya on Racism in the fandom

This subreddit is hilarious and probably my favorite thing about Reddit, but the one thing I absolutely despise that some of this fandom does is elevate internet trolls by painting every fandom with the same brush.

For example, Katya points out an issue of racism when Jasmine Masters was called an (n-word) on social media. We're all Drag Race fans and I'm pretty sure 99.99% of us didn't say racist shit like that, but instead of those trolls being silence with the "block" button, they are given a megaphone by drag queens reacting to it and treating it as an issue with the fandom. Another example is how you've said that Katya's fans attack Kennedy. . . well, I'm a Katya fan and I'm betting that 99.99% of the rest of Katya's fans have not attacked Kennedy.

This happens over and over and over with drag queens who, based on their profession, I would expect to be social media savvy - and yet they aren't. The drag race queens need to simply ignore social media trolls instead of feeding them and consequently elevating their hateful viewpoints. . . or, at the very least, if they want to get into the drama, they should call out the trolls as the hateful individuals that they are.

/r/rupaulsdragrace Thread Parent Link - i.redd.it