You have to kill 10% of the worlds human population. On which criteria(s) do you base this decision? Why?

You say that life experience has taught you these beliefs but it is very obvious that they are based on emotion and media bias rather than fact. Cops only defend each other? In 2014 there were somewhere between 1000-1200 people were killed by police total in the US (including legitimate self defense shootings) and for the sake of proving a point we'll assume that all of these are unjustified. Their are between 900k-1.2 million sworn police officers in the US but again for the sake of the argument we'll put the number on the low side to get the highest possible percentile to support your point. So for all the officers out there only 0.13% killed someone. Once again I'll round up for your sake. That percentage means that for every 1000 cops you might have 2 bad guys and 998 that go out and do their job every day and enforce the law. Since I know your next argument will be "but they cover for each other" how about we put ourselves in a hypothetical situation. If 1000 people are in a confined space and 2 are breaking a many people in that room would even be in a position to directly cover for them? Not very many. So you are safer without the other 998 who do their jobs without incident? Bullshit.

Now for soldiers. This one is going to be a little more speculative. Do you truly believe that all the millions of people who are serving or have served in the military joined with the mentality "you know what sounds fun? Getting shipped half a world away to a place I've never heard of so I can kill people"? I highly doubt it. I think more common reasons would be "I'd like to be able to afford college someday" or "It would be nice to be able to buy a house but I'm still a teenager and no one would give me a loan without an absurd interest rate because I havent had time to build credit" But this opinion wont make the news. The media as a whole thrives on clickbait and the worst of the worst because it gets people like yourself to make emotional judgements and pass it off as "life experience".

/r/AskReddit Thread Parent