Killers can be nice sometimes.

I was playing for 8 hooks and no kills in one of my games. In the endgame collapse I hooked a Dwight who I hadn't hooked yet, and despite the fact he had just saved another survivor, she and the others started running out of the exit gates. I was pretty shocked because it was one of those very altruistic teams.

Fortunately I managed to grab one of them right before the exit and brought her over to the hook so she would unhook him. She wiggled off but didn't get the hint and ran away and started taunting me at the exit gates again. I had to swing in Dwight's direction a few times before she finally understood and got him out just in time. I was so relieved that Dwight made it out as he deserved it the most in the team (maybe he was the only non-SWF member which would explain their coldness).

I've also managed to give AFK survivors an escape by carrying them to the exit gates, dropping them until they are standing again, then hitting them so that they fall through the exit.

/r/deadbydaylight Thread Link -