Killing yourself over love is not pathetic.

I'm that person who feels this extreme way. I kind of feel burnt out from life and the way the breakup happened and some events after like my friends not understanding how I felt lead me to a deep depression to a point where I don't even want to make decisions for myself anymore, like I don't want to live my life anymore I wish so. Wone else did. I know this pain will be temporary but it's been a year and I struggle super hard on the daily. You're right though I've come to realise I have a lot of insecurities and it totally makes me disregard any of my good traits. Advice found on the Internet is all about self love, for a person like me it's hard to comprehend what that even means. Maybe I'm stupid idk. My point is all I want is support and the people around me to show me that I matter. Im not getting that and that with the breakup mashed together has lead me to suicidal thoughts. On a brighter note I have managed to book myself into some therapy I'm super nervous because I have social anxiety and feel like I will be judged but I don't really have any other choice. I really hope it helps and I can actually feel mentally strong one day and then help other people in my situation.

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