The kind of little pricks that American Universities are now turning out

"You're supposed to be our advocate!"

As someone who has witnessed, been, had and needed an advocate: this is the root, of what I see as, the problem here. Not how many grand pianos or heated pools there are at Yale.

Yale is a prestigious school for a couple reasons, including the fact that the people who have gone there tend to succeed at a much greater percentage and rate, and the people who go or will go have succeeded in their own right to gain admittance. The former is where the endowment comes from, and partly what draws some of the top instructors, which draws some of the future best and brightest, which in turn draws donations and support from alumni. A vicious/virtuous cycle if you will. That's the only thing pianos and basketball courts have to do with this. Are they entitled to their surroundings, to an extent yes. Do they have the biggest problems in the world, to an extent no.

Was the email sent to the college perfectly worded? Of course not, and I think that Mr. Christakis acknowledged that in one of the other videos when he said he was sorry they were hurt, but not for what he said. But the message was that there are a lot of people at Yale, in the different communities, who have differences of opinion & belief. At times juxtaposed moral values. Some will find offensive, what others do not. It's not that they were being advocates for the ones who want to be outrageous and offensive. It's not that they're not being advocates for the offended and hurt. They're advocates for the entire population of the community, which includes both.

Acting as an advocate doesn't mean supporting whatever the other feels or wants (see: pandering), it means supporting the person. Which includes the hard truths. The contrarian arguments. The growth and success of the person.

If a nice, happy, utopia that thinks and moves in the same direction, in which they'll never feel outside of the bell curve is what they're looking for ... they don't want an advocate for the community. They want a dictator. I think that's what the "rebuttal" email was getting at.

It's okay to be outside of the bell curve, so long as it's not a stigma. Trying to shift the bell curve violently to a single bar around a small set of your beliefs stigmatizes everyone outside of this new bell curve. Instead, like the email said "look away" and be secure with your place in the world, or talk to them and maybe the bell curve will shift naturally (as it has to some degree with so, so many other things: race, religion, sexual orientation, economics, medicine).

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