KKK Members show up to support Trump.. only one problem

Favorability polls really aren't a good indicator, the general public knows almost nothing about Sanders and he hasn't been attacked by the GOP for decades like Hillary. In fact the Republicans have been pushing hard for Bernie's nomination, Karl Rove is literally running ads promoting Bernie, Breibart and DailyCaller pump out pro-Bernie articles every day. Even FOX is pushing for Bernie as the Democrat nominee.

If Bernie does by some miracle get nominated by the dems (currently Clinton is leading him 502 to 71), the GOP will go hard in attacking him with the following and his favorability will tank:

  • Socialist by his own admission.
  • Video of him supporting fidel castro
  • Supported Sandinistas over America
  • Created "Sister cities" for Vermont in Soviet/Socialist nations
  • Honeymoon in USSR
  • Soviet FLag in Burlington office
  • Wanted to eliminate the CIA.
  • Thinks ISIS was created by global warming, and to stop ISIS we must focus on global warming.
  • Claimed [cervical cancer caused by lack of orgasms](www.mediaite.com/online/bernie-sanders-once-blamed-cervical-cancer-on-a-lack-of-orgasms/)
  • Rape Essay stating all women fantasize about being gang bang raped.
  • Once advocated for a maximum wage.
  • Anti-nuclear energy
  • Consistently voted against NASA funding
  • Calls Eugene Debs a personal hero and has/had his picture in his Office in DC
  • No success in life/steady job/stability outside of government. Didn't have steady job until 40 years old.
  • Tax hikes
  • Unrealistic policy goals- Even Democrats don't support them
  • Voted to ship Vermont's nuclear waste to poor Hispanic town in Texas
  • Age
  • Ignored early reports of VA issues and dismissed them as a GOP conspiracy
  • Poor personal financial planning (low personal net worth despite a quarter century of Congressional paychecks)
  • Portray his CU opposition as a First Amendment issue, not campaign finance
  • His own state abandoned single layer because it was too expensive.
  • Get's completely walked over by Black Lives Matter protestors
/r/pics Thread Parent Link - i.imgur.com