I want the kniiife...pleeeeeease

Demisexuality, along with a lot of other labels we use like gray ace, queer, nonbinary, etc. are words that were "made up" by laypeople who didn't feel like any of the current vernacular. What's wrong with this?

I don't use these words to describe sexual orientation (e.g. queer = peculiar). I'm as skeptical of their origin as their acceptance: I worry they might be masking underlying personality or anxiety disorders (and in rare instances, psychoses). Further, young people are impressionable. If they latch on to these terms, and it turns out they're bogus, there's a risk they'll become bitter and suspicious.

It'd be like this.

False analogy. I think a cult is slightly more accurate: a frustrated individual speaks his mind in the right place at the right time. Others who are equally frustrated follow suit. But sitting in a circle and accepting each other does not mean their cause is justified...or scientifically valid.

All of this written, it's comforting to know there are others who are as weird as I am, and I will assert my need for intimacy on the outset if/when I'm ready to date again.

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