[Serious] What new jobs/industries can we create to work from home and keep the economy stimulated during these difficult times?

I think someone should invent an app for dog sharing. My uncle has cancer and he’s going through hell right now so he keeps borrowing the dog. The dog is a very sweet natured and my uncle says the visits give him a lot of comfort on the bad days. My uncle can’t get his own dog right now so he’s happy to get visits.

I think other people would appreciate being able to “sign-out” a dog. It’d be great if the dogs had some actual training on how to be a good support companion. It would be therapeutic for families to have a dog for the weekend and he comes with his own food, dish, leash and toy. Everyone should be able to enjoy time with a good dog and something like this could let people have that experience without all the cost and commitment of ownership.

I guess it’s not so much a money making idea but maybe it’s something that could help people during hardships.

/r/AskReddit Thread