Kyle posted this morning that she lost her best friend, Lorene Shea, to mental illness. I’ve always been on the fence about Kyle, but I’m sorry she‘s going through this. My condolences to her today and of course to Lorene’s family and other friends.

As yours was to me. "Feeling suicidal" is miles from being suicidal. I'm glad that quote has helped you. The reality for people who are suicidal is that a quote is impossible to think of when you feel nothing. I'm sorry I hurt your feelings. I've had loads of folks tell me of their suicidal thoughts and ideology. They don't seek help and minimize the reality for folks who have died and been brought back. If a quote could have saved me from unaddressed childhood traumas, I would feel blessed, not hurt. I'm happy that works for you. It's a VERY rare gift while in the act of suicide. If you need help find resources in your area, message me and I'll do what I can. Don't wait until you are back on a ledge thinking of a quote to get help. I'd suggest a hotline when in immediate need.

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