Labour's Manifesto in 60 seconds

I would say my post is a case for the SDP, not the Tories.

Immigration: has pros and cons but handled badly can lead to the breakdown of social cohesion. Without social cohesion we can't work effectively together to get anything done.

Defence: history shows us peace never lasts. A sensible policy is to remain vigilant at all times, including times of peace. And to not instigate stupid avoidable wars...

Traditional values: I respect Corbyn personally. But can't get behind left wing views on marriage (a building block for society), personal agency (just based on how I was and the people i hung around with as young labour voters) and encroachment on freedom of speech via hate speech laws.

NB; regarding hate speech laws. Not promoting arsehole behaviour or genuine racism. Only addressing the fact that hate speech is arbitrarily defined based on who's in power. A power no gov should wield.

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