How do I tell my girlfriend her noises/moans during sex make me uncomfortable?

As a free person I'm free to communicate with people and I also think it is healthy. I don't think it is healthy to communicate particular things with people unable to emotionally cope with those things. I at no point suggested I feel entitled to make demands. If you don't want me to suspect emotional baggage is the primary source of your criticisms things like that are not helping. When you mischaracterize an argument and furthermore do so in such a way to make the argument seem malicious or "primal" as you put it, that is literally you fighting something that isn't present in the argument you should be fighting. What should one think when another does this? In any event, I'm capable of believing you're giving an unemotionally attached opinion, however it should noted things of that nature make you seem emotionally invested. I assume you just made a mistake.

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