Ladies in mid/late 30's/40's that still look like in the 20's. What's your secret?

I'm 42 and I still get carded/comments about how I look under 30.

I have tried to drink at least 64 ounces of water every day for the last 20 years. Other than coffee and wine, it's really all I drink, other than a diet coke once a month or so if I want to treat myself.

I wear sunscreen SPF 30 every day no matter what. I also put it on the back of my hands after applying it to my face and neck (I learned that tip from Wonder Woman Linda Carter years ago, because your hands age FAST). When I am out in the sun, I use SPF 45 all over.

I moisturize every morning and night, and use cuticle cream and lip balm all the time. I also keep multiple tubes of this stuff in my desk, my purse, etc, so I can use it throughout the day as needed.

I keep my hair long and on-trend, but I don't mess with it too much so it doesn't dry out. I like it pretty natural.

I also do at least 50 crunches every day. I am convinced it helps keep my neck firm so I don't get a waddle.

I don't wear a lot of makeup, even though I have a lot of freckles that supposedly age you. I just keep it simple. If i have mascara, lip gloss and tinted moisturizer on, I'm good to go. So the skin around my eyes is usually left alone since I don't have a lot of makeup to apply/remove on a daily basis. I think that helps a lot to keep the skin firm, since I'm not constantly touching or stretching it.

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