Lakers-Rockets Banned In China Despite LeBron’s Efforts

He plays in the NBA? Dude he's a quarterback.

Not to mention his comments were silly and as far as I can tell the NFL never reprimanded him. It was other players that were upset. Which according to you is their right. So what's the issue? More contrived outrage.

I don't think kneeling before a flag is disrespectful either. Normally when you kneel before something you're showing it great reverence. The issue isn't about the flag it's about what's going on in this country right now. Now whether you feel their right is another issue and one I'm not going to get into because I already know how you feel.

How is a peaceful protest disrespectful? Isn't that what you want? What better way to draw attention to something than to kneel before the flag? No matter what they do you'll never be happy. That's the thing.

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