Largest peace group endorses Bernie Sanders

Just look in any thread about Hillary and Bernie and you will see at least one of the following upvoted to the top:

  • People referring to Sanders supporters as young an naive while Hillary supporters are mature and pragmatic.

  • People dismissing Hillary's ties to Wall Street because all politicians do it (or for whatever the latest deflection is)

  • People continually pushing the 'BernieBros' sexist shit (even though Hillary's campaign is the only one to be blatantly sexist, at least on the Dem side)

  • People continually pushing the myth that Hillary would do better against the Republicans in the general election even though all available evidence suggests otherwise.

  • People constantly misrepresenting Bernie's views (I can't tell you how many times I have seen people say that Bernie wants to raise taxes to 90%)

  • People dismissing the email scandal as a baseless Republican attack (even though it gets more serious by the day)

  • etc..

I mean look at the top comment from a thread asking if Hillary's Wall Street donations and ties are a problem:

I honestly am genuinely befuddled when people act as though Clinton is beholden to her big donors, of which she has hundreds. Anything that the president could do to help out these organizations would be public--so there's practically nothing she can do, especially without the help of congress. Goldman Sachs isn't going to send her a magazine letter cut and pasted threat saying if she doesn't pass HR420.69 they'll cut her off from the pittance they give her. At absolute best, they're hoping for some subconscious "They're not so bad" thought. Is it the best ethically? No. But is there any legitimate effect? Definitely not.

How out of touch with the American people and reality can you be?

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