What’s the most hurtful thing your parents ever said to you?

Nothing? I think it was either just being a girl or I was just unlucky because they were jealous/depressed and let their frustrations out at me. But I was a child and they'd tell me that because I didn't have a boyfriend. Isn't it normal to not have one when you're like 15? And they always made me feel like I'm fat (I'm not, I wear XS/S and have feminine curves like big boobs, seeing clearly now I have a dream body) and because I'm so pale I'd never have a man who'd like me because men only like tanned legs... That age I already took care of my sun and practiced sun protection but it really hurt me anyway. Not anymore tho. I'm proud of my skin. But yeah only my family talks shit about me and my looks. From other people, I get a way different feedback and feels good.

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