Law of attraction I experienced

My friend, I'm the one who always complains why new age teachings are fucking selfish and apathetic. What about Syria? What about Africa? What about tornado victims? Did they attract those things to them? Are they at fault?

Dude, I wanna flip the entire reddit, if people, especially spiritual people, keep saying everything is about attraction and there's no such thing as good and evil.

I tried so hard to put some concept of world's pain and misery to new age worshiper's thick skull, but it didn't work.

But, law of attraction seems to exist. Not created by new age movement, it seems to just exist like law of gravity exists. I can't do anything about it. The existence of law of attraction isn't my fault nor my responsibility.

I and most people are just individuals who barely know about this things. Do not get angry with us, find spiritual subs and yell at them.

Because I'm tired of yelling at them, now it's your turn to do the job. I'm tired of shouting at them that law of attraction isn't about victim blaming, there must be something else, and universe can't be that cruel, stop meditating alone in peaceful suburban house they're living in, and try to find some god damn answer why our world is riddled with pain and suffering, I yelled at them, and it didn't work.

You do the job, I'm done.

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