Lawsuit Filed Against 30 People, Groups Connected to Unite the Right Rally

Really? You really wanna debate about whether the guy was a kid or a man?

And are you insane? Why do you think those people and the young woman who was tragically killed by the 20 year old white male were there in the first place? To counter-protest the white supremacists gathered there. Which most likely caused the young Nazi adult to malicious drive into them. Or who the fuck knows what exactly spurred him to commit such evil. Were you there in the car with him? Were you in his head to know what thoughts he had exactly? No, and neither do I so to argue what exactly caused him to do it is pointless unless a statement is released as to what his exact seasonings were (unless they have been and I missed it in the news).

And to say that Heather Heyer was murdered and the other protesters injured by this guy just because they were "disagreeing" with his lot takes away the bravery and courage these people had to stand up to those Nazis and shame on you for belittling their protest against them.

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