Lawyers of reddit, whats the most ridiculous argument you've heard in court?

Friend is a lawyer, I'm sorry. I was forwarded what was essentially a manifesto, meant to serve as written testimony in the upcoming lawsuit, regarding this friend's sabotage of a case regarding the defendant's mortgage banker license being revoked, and fines that came with that revocation, as well as his later divorce. These details might be a bit off, but the article is 44 pages long and it's a mess.

I tallied things up, and the guy accused his legal counsel in the previous case of being in collusion to sabotage his case 117 times. This involved 47 co-conspirators, and 44 of these acts of sabotage were carried out specifically by my friend. Basically, an original firm dropped the defendant's case, likely due to verbal abuse and lack of evidence, and they recommended another.

He believed that this was entirely a conspiracy, he claims that he had a sexual relationship with one of the legal team, and that she was egged on to do it as part of a conspiracy to weaken him and steal his money via billed hours and handing the case off between firms. His manifesto/testimony switches between first and third person, I think the intention was to make it seem as though he wasn't writing it himself, but a lawyer was.

The kicker was, this was all published on Wordpress, supported by a few conspiracy-theory type journalists, and the man took out BILLBOARDS in the greater Boston area with my friend's name on them, with taglines such as "Liar" and "Corrupt".

This story doesn't perfectly fit with the thread, but it's some shit.

/r/AskReddit Thread