Is learning dota worth it?

DOTA 2 has the harshest learning curve of any game on the planet, period. It's literally a trench all the way to 5k+, at which point you start playing invitational leagues, scrims or in-house because the ladder is worthless. You ladder to stop laddering, that's DOTA 2's "progression".

A single player making a single bad decision in DOTA 2 will cost you games, repeatedly. Trolls are rampant. The community is toxic and I'm no exception. Most 5k+ players half-jokingly call GGs on the first mistake of game, because sometimes it really is - they play it out, you won't find much rage-quitting, but it's a miserable win / loss many times.

Most pro player call people out on their screw ups and will throw down if trash talked, both in private leagues and streaming. Not because they're actually dicks, it's just, you have to have a thick skin and be blunt about things when you're 10k hours into DOTA.

This is not a game for people who get butthurt easily. This is not a game for people who want to quit when their teammate feeds, or they get a troll, or someone does something stupid.

This is a game for masochists who want to hurt other masochists. This is the kind of game where, when the enemy team picks storm, you get a 6-minute BKB on Ursa and laugh your ass off when a cocky storm dives and dies. This is the kind of game for sadists who want to watch the world burn at 300 APM.

So no, if none of that sound appealing, play League and rage at the trolls. Raging here won't accomplish much, we're all in the same trench (even people like me who've done the "break 5k" thing multiple times) and none of us have patience left for whining about MMR, feeders, bad teammates, etc... blog it.

But in all of that, you may say, why play? Because it's deeply satisfying. You earn your wins here. You earn your comebacks. You get to take vicious joy in wrecking people who deserve to be wrecked. And when you get really good? You get to do devastating things to terrible people.

So, play DOTA 2. Grow three pairs and a second layer of armored skin. Turn into some kind of monster, learn to hate people on a whole new level. HOO HAA HOOO HAAH HAA. DOTA.

/r/DotA2 Thread