Let's talk about male vulnerability in relationships

I'm the type of person who believes that people can't really control what they find attractive and not attractive and their is a good chunk of it that is biological.

People who show vulnerability often and easily, from my experience, are less desirable from a purely reproductive stance.

Why would you put the future of your children into the hands of someone who cries or shows vulnerability at the drop of a hat? Of course crying for a lost pet or a dead family member is excusable to most people as it should be. I think my point is, most people have limits.

I think a lot of men are turned off if a women is overly emotional and vice versa.

Since we are talking anecdotes... I have had male friends who have done crazy things to attract women, given them expensive gifts even though they couldn't really afford it, go running to them the instant they call dropping everything and everyone they were with at the time... they have given up friends and family, the list goes on.

If women found vulnerable and emotionally open men attractive and it was common for women to find it attractive, I have never seen my male friends become more emotional or vulnerable to attract a women before.

They have done crazy things to attract women but have never become more vulnerable or emotional to do so.

Are there people that are more attracted to others who show emotion and vulnerability, absolutely, but I don't think they are the majority.

I think that people who find emotionally open people attractive don't find them attractive because of the emotional display itself but because they find that the person is more genuine for it and also find it nice that the other person can trust them enough to be that open with them.

Once again this is just my opinion and my observations.

/r/MensLib Thread