Let's talk about the moderation in r/Games. I think the moderators make a mistake by deleting interesting submissions

I fully expect to be removed as a mod after this post but frankly, I just don't care anymore.

I've been inactive as a mod for months now. Personal life got pretty hectic (in a good way) and the way the higher up mods (mainly Tevoul) want this sub run is just absurd.

We've gone through 2 mod hierarchy posts (can't tell you why since shit doesn't get solved in discord - you have to wait days to get mods approval regardless of who is active at this time and ultimately if tevoul says no, the post gets pulled).

Content has been restrictive. Instead of finding ways to allow more content and make the sub better it's just what should be removed and if certain posts are breaking rules. Grey area doesn't exist with this mod team because 9/10 times it's getting pulled regardless. Upvotes from the community doesn't matter they will still remove the post and issue some sort of shitty statement: "The post broke rule A.93639 and while it's been up for a while if we leave the post up it'll allow for other broken rules in the future" (TotalBiscuit post is a great example of this). Like if the community is voting and talking who the fuck cares what rule it might break it's obviously a topic this sub wants to talk about.

They preach about wanting this sub to be different but at what costs? The community can't ask questions without some absurd amount of finagling of their wording in their posts. Hell, the most consistent postings in this sub are trailers. It's just stupid.

I don't care what mod sees this. Remove me from the modteam. I'm not coming back. Good luck, you all clearly want to just shoehorn what your version of the sub should be and not the where the community is heading.

As for everyone else, I'm sorry this sub has been so restrictive. Just keep on keeping on

/r/Games Thread