Liana rants (NSFW) on rumors, PTSD, and the loss of games content in gam...

I get that she doesn't wanna name drop, but here's the issue: What she's describing and labeling as "hypocrisy" doesn't add up to me from what I've gathered via online osmosis, but trying to dig up the information on who said what to who where and why is going to take absolutely forever. And yes, it's important to vet the information, because taking her version of everything at face value is naive at best.

I know she's ranting partially about The Ralph Retort and Milo, this is nothing new, but the part about stabbing her in the back by "not inviting her back to a stream and then trashing her" (which has nothing directly to do with those 2) irks me, because it doesn't add up; she spent half a stream ranting about Ralph, a guy with a glorified Twitlonger and a chip on his shoulder - while he's not there to defend himself. How is that different then to her being criticized for doing that while she's not there? Or is that also false? I guess I know what I gotta spend 5 hours doing this weekend sigh

Liana says a lot of correct things, but I have a very hard time pinning down her actual principles when it comes to how to act around heated discussions on the topic of assholes doing asshole-things. They seem to go left, right and center depending on the topic at hand and it's frustrating. Don't make a fuss about personal shit, except if it ties into a broader issue, then it's fine (from /twt/)? Don't smear people while they're not there, unless it's suddenly ok for some reason? I'm starting to get a "holier than thou"-issue with Liana, which is sad because as a games journalist, her PoV is important as a source of information to help us push forward in a constructive manner - it's easy to knock on clickbaiters and ideologues impersonating journalists, but hard to reform the field without insight from it.

As for the "hit piece rumor", I haven't heard anything about this from anyone, and again there are no sources supplied so I'd suggest we just ignore it. For what we know it could be 1-2 people spreading shit outside of tag. It could even be Ghazi-people - Liana mentioned at one point that she was labeled "LW4" by GamerGate, and the only source for that that was ever dug up was a BS-list concocted by someone from Ghazi - most likely to stir up shit, before Liana did whatever she did to earn Ghazi's overwhelming contempt (seriously wtf). So I wouldn't take that too heavily. There is no precedence for that practice from her to my knowledge, there is no reason at all why she would suddenly do it, and as long as it's some lame rumor floating around it's asinine by us to even address it. Judge her by her actual practice, just like anyone else. Don't take the bait. Please.

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